Thursday, April 11, 2019


My Understanding On Tourism In Malaysia

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Hello everyone! I’m back. Today I would like to share with all of you about the tourism in Malaysia. Tourism refer to the trips that involve travelling of people outside the place of their residence or work for leisure, pleasure, vacation, business, personal, or other purposes.
Tourism is an important source of income for many countries. Nowadays, it is considered an industry. Tourism is important for the growth and development of a developing country like India. The advantages and disadvantages of Tourism will be discussed in this blog.

Advantages of Tourism
1. Employment – Tourism provides employment opportunity for local people. Tourism industry is growing very rapidly in india employing millions people.
2. Meet New People – It helps the local people to get in touch with the people and country. It also helps building international relations.
3. Spend time with families – The life of modern people is hectic. They are too busy in their professional life. There is immense pressure even on children. Hence, such people plan for a holiday trip to spend quality time with their families.
4. Cultural Exchange – Tourism gives opportunity to people of various cultures to assimilate together. People belonging to various cultures meet together and understand each other. This gives them an opportunity to build respect for each other. Hence, it fosters cultural harmony.
5. Recreation – Travel based recreation provides relief from the monotony of daily routine. A change in place and climate helps a traveler to recharge his mind, body and spirit.

Disadvantages of Tourism
1. Tourism involves huge expenditure on part of the tourists. Travelling costs includes vehicle hire charges, hotel and resort rent, food cost, etc. This increases the overall spending of the person.
2. Leisure trips are good for health, mind and body. However, hectic trips may cause stress and effect health.
3. It also may lead to environmental hazards such as environment pollution due to use of cigars and plastic bags.

                            Related image

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