Saturday, April 27, 2019


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Stress is any action or situation that places physical or psychological demands upon a person. Stress is part of the fabric of life. As human beings, we cannot isolate ourselves from stress. It can be managed but not done away with. Stress is inevitable. It is a feeling that each person has as a normal human being. However, there are many ways a person can ensure that stress is avoided or minimized.



  • Eustress is a positive stress which drives a person to complete a task. It is something whcih a person needs to have as it motivates him or her to work.

  • Distress is a severe and persistent negative stress which results in excessive psychological or physiological strain. It is the feeling of having to handle more than you can bear.

  • Take change of your life and avoid blaming others
  • Organize your life and plan ahead of time
  • Build up your self-esteem
  • Lead a balanced and healthy lifestyle
  • Surround yourself with supportive relationships and avoid toxic individuals
  • Have fun and develop a sense of humour
  • Let your feelings out and share it with someone close
  • Be positive and avoid unnecessary thinking
  • Purposeful self-talk
  • Smile and relax

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Thursday, April 18, 2019


   Social Issues In Malaysia and its effect to the country

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social issue or problem is an issue that has been recognized by society as a problem that is preventing society from functioning at an optimal level. It is important to understand that not all things that occur in society are raised to the level of social problems. Four factors have been outlined that seem to characterize a social issue or problem. These include:
  1. The public must recognize the situation as a problem.
  2. The situation is against the general values accepted by the society.
  3. A large segment of the population recognizes the problem as a valid concern.
  4. The problem can be rectified or alleviated through the joint action of citizens and/or community resources

Among lots of social issues in Malaysia, i choose 5 social issues that i felt is the worst in Malaysia.

(1) High Rate Of Unemployment Among Graduates 
The cause of unemployed graduates nowadays is the incompatibility in the focus of higher education institutions and the needs of labor market. The reason for that is lack in compatibility as compared to the situation twenty years ago. In addition, there is an increase of competitiveness and volatility in the labor market. The work environment nowadays require graduates to have some work experiences in order to the requirement of qualified employee. Besides that, incompatibility in the knowledge acquired in higher education institution is one of the factor. Besides that, university graduates are lack of experiences and skills. Most of organizations today prefer to have graduates with experience to ensure the employers sustain their economic competitiveness. The number of unemployed female graduates is much higher in comparison male graduates. Moreover, those graduates with essential skills are more preferable compared to them who does not have any skills. They also should have proficiency in English. Other than that, university graduates have to possess their interpersonal skills in order to decrease the number of unemployment among them.

(2) Alcohol Abuse among Teenagers
Teenagers who abuse alcohol increase their risk of negative health effects because their organs, brain and mental capabilities are still growing. There are few most notable negative effects of alcohol abuse on teens, such as:

(i) Addiction and dependence
 Studies prove that the younger a person is when they start drinking the more likely they are to develop a problem with alcohol. In fact, people who reported drinking before the age of 15 are four times more likely to become dependent on alcohol than those who started drinking later in life. 

(ii)Brain damage. 
Heavy drinking among teens over many years can result in serious mental disorders or permanent, irreversible damage to the brain or nervous system. According to the American Medical Association, scientific evidence suggests that even modest alcohol consumption in adolescence can result in permanent brain damage. 

(iii) Car accidents
When they consume too much alcohol, car accidents do happen. Alcohol-related traffic accidents are a major cause of death among teens. A recent study showed that 28 percent of 15- to 20-year-old drivers who were killed in car crashes had been drinking. Alcohol is often a gateway drug to other illicit substances. Teens that drink are more likely than non-drinking teens to use other drugs like marijuana, cocaine, Ecstasy or heroin.

(3) Drug Abuse among Teenagers
Young people engage in drug use for different reasons than do adults, and as such, they need different treatment methods to help them break the cycle of addiction. Some of the root causes and co-occurring issues that are addressed in teen-specific drug rehab include:

    (i) Peer Pressure
    A young person’s social group plays an incredibly important role in the choices they make. Being involved with a circle of friends that experiments with drugs makes the individual much more likely to take part in that behavior themselves. 
    (ii) Self-image issues
     The cause of many problems among teenagers, including drug addiction, alcohol addiction and eating disorders, coping with a poor sense of self can lead to escapist behavior that includes substance abuse.
    (iii) Problems at Home
    Many teenagers turn to drugs as a means of escaping their problems at home. This is most common in families where there is physical abuse, sexual abuse or other forms of neglect and conflict.
    (iv) Co-occurring disorders
    Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression and eating disorders are among the most common mental health disorders among teens that co-occur with drug abuse and addiction. These problems will need to be addressed at the same time that drug abuse is treated in order to achieve optimum success.

(4) Baby Abortion among Teenagers
Abortion means termination of pregnancy, it can either be spontaneous or induced. Spontaneous is known as miscarriage, while induced simply means termination of a pregnancy which is planned. Recently, the statistics have shown an increase in abortion 
rate year after year. Abortion can cause by social, economic or pregnant women health condition as well.

There are several reasons as to why abortion among teenagers is reaching alarming proportions. Factors like peer pressure, inadequate sex education, casual attitude towards sex and some sexual materials available in the media today, are some of the factors that greatly contribute to early pregnancy among teenagers leading to unexpected pregnancies. For this, most teens opt for abortion because of concerns that having a baby would derail their important goals in life. They also worry about financial responsibilities involved in raising a child.

Most teenagers who engage in risky behaviors do so due to lack of knowledge about the consequences involved. According to research, teen abortion is the result of modern attitude to sexuality. Not only does parenthood bring devastating effects on most families, but children born to teenagers are prone to malnutrition, abuse and neglect. As the figure of early pregnancy keeps rising, most teens find themselves wondering which path to take. Sadly, they either choose to abort their pregnancies or become teenage parents.

Those teens who form romantic relationships have higher chance of engaging in sexual activities than those who don't. It is vital to understand that with proper and adequate sex education for our children, we can help prevent teen abortion. With today's fast paced society where most parents are busy with their careers, a lot of them only spend limited time with their kids. It is important to spend sometime with our children, listen to them and have a little talk. Relying on schools is not enough because most public schools are allowed to only speak about abstinence sex education and therefore its up to the parents to ensure their children are well educated about this subject to be able to make smart decisions.

The society as a whole has a role to play in preventing teen abortion before it totally gets out of control. We need to find a workable and lasting solution that will bring to an end the high rate of abortion. Statistics may have imperfect measurements, however, they help us understand and see the facts in most aspects of life and understand that something is not right. Both teenagers and parents have a role to play. If you are a teen, ensure you educate yourself against unexpected pregnancy and for parents, it is our responsibilities to regularly teach our teens about the dangers of unprotected sexual activities.

(5) Teen Suicide
Causes of teenage suicide can be difficult to pinpoint and may involve several factors. Teens go through a vulnerable period at this stage in their lives. No matter how small or big their problems, their troubles may feel unbearable or overwhelming. Noticeable changes in behavior, such as withdrawal from friends and family or violent and aggressive behavior, are among the many signs of potential teen suicide, but parents and mental health care providers also need to understand the causes of suicide in teens for effective prevention.

(i) Major Disappointment
Suffering through a major disappointment such as rejection, loss of a boyfriend or girlfriend and failure at school or in sports may trigger suicidal tendencies in teens, who have difficulty coping with these kinds of situations. These circumstances alone may not be responsible for suicide, but they are factors that contribute to a teen's taking extreme measures, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, or NAMI, points out.

(ii) Stress
Stress, confusion, pressure and worries about self-worth are common problems in many teens that can trigger suicide, according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Teens may have to go through parental divorce, moving in with a new family, living in a new location or going to a different school. In some cases, teens may be victims of physical or sexual abuse. These are unsettling matters that intensify uncertain feelings such as distress, anxiety or agitation.

(iii) Depression
Depression is a major cause of suicide that can be present in the teenage years. This mental disorder can cause feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness, according to Kids Health. Depression can be particularly harmful for teens who experience violence at home or at school and feel isolated from their peers or lack a social network of friends. Approximately 75 percent of people who commit suicide suffer from depression, according to the Harris County Psychiatric Center at the University of Texas.

(iv) Substance Abuse
Drug or alcohol abuse can lead to impulsive behavior, especially if a teen is haunted by other problems such as a mental disorder or family difficulties. Like adults who turn to alcohol or drugs, teens may believe that substance abuse will bring them relief from surrounding difficulties, but it only worsens the problems. Substance abuse and mental disorders play prominent roles in a majority of suicides, Kids Health notes.

Genetic components related to brain chemistry may be involved in teen suicides, NAMI notes. Teens with a family history of mental disorders or suicide are at increased risk of suicide or suicide attempts. Being in an environment in which a suicide has occurred with a relative could produce thoughts of suicide for vulnerable teens. Low levels of the brain chemical serotonin may be a cause of suicide, NAMI says. Serotonin controls impulsive actions. Low levels of the chemical may lead to impulsive behavior, including suicide.

Thursday, April 11, 2019


My Understanding On Tourism In Malaysia

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Hello everyone! I’m back. Today I would like to share with all of you about the tourism in Malaysia. Tourism refer to the trips that involve travelling of people outside the place of their residence or work for leisure, pleasure, vacation, business, personal, or other purposes.
Tourism is an important source of income for many countries. Nowadays, it is considered an industry. Tourism is important for the growth and development of a developing country like India. The advantages and disadvantages of Tourism will be discussed in this blog.

Advantages of Tourism
1. Employment – Tourism provides employment opportunity for local people. Tourism industry is growing very rapidly in india employing millions people.
2. Meet New People – It helps the local people to get in touch with the people and country. It also helps building international relations.
3. Spend time with families – The life of modern people is hectic. They are too busy in their professional life. There is immense pressure even on children. Hence, such people plan for a holiday trip to spend quality time with their families.
4. Cultural Exchange – Tourism gives opportunity to people of various cultures to assimilate together. People belonging to various cultures meet together and understand each other. This gives them an opportunity to build respect for each other. Hence, it fosters cultural harmony.
5. Recreation – Travel based recreation provides relief from the monotony of daily routine. A change in place and climate helps a traveler to recharge his mind, body and spirit.

Disadvantages of Tourism
1. Tourism involves huge expenditure on part of the tourists. Travelling costs includes vehicle hire charges, hotel and resort rent, food cost, etc. This increases the overall spending of the person.
2. Leisure trips are good for health, mind and body. However, hectic trips may cause stress and effect health.
3. It also may lead to environmental hazards such as environment pollution due to use of cigars and plastic bags.

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Friday, April 5, 2019

Things that I do And Why

Things that I do and Why

Hello everyone! How was your day today? I hope that everything in a cheerful and memorable moment. Today I would like to share the things that I do and why.
First things that I do is spending time with my parents as I get very little time to spend with them. For me, family is everything and very important thing for everyone as human being. This is because family members teach each other, serve one another and share life’s joys and sorrows. Family time is important because it allows family members feel love and secure. And family also something that we can trust with anything and have them when we have nothing else. When I think about my happiest moments in life, they all involve my family. So spending with my lovely family is the first thing I do always.

I also love to spend time with friends. Study group together, art with friends, having a long conversation with friends, shopping with friends and others. Well, I guess that I love my friends and I don’t really care what it is we do together. For me, as we get older, and life gets faster the time we once had for our friends, seems to diminish. Spending more time with my friends and family is beneficial to my well being as well as my relationships.
Besides, the things that I do most is watch TV and movies. I know, it’s supposedly a waste of time. But I truly appreciate the work that goes into my favorite shows and movies. Writers, actors, makeup artists, set designers, sound crews, directors are those all people who work together to create a show or movie that captivates me. Some of my favorites make me want to be a part of their world. Hahaha I’m truly in imagination but I don’t care anyway.

I also love to explore the interesting places in the world through internet. I’m really excited to discover and gain information about the places that I’m really wanted and dream to travel. This is because I love to travel. It is my dream since I was in primary school. I know it is not easy to go travel to the favorite places in the world but nothing is impossible. The first places that I’m really wanted to go is California because I love the scenery of their beach. It’s very beautiful places. I really hope that one day my dream come true.

Last but not least, the things that I do is gift giving. I haven’t had a lot of money to give gifts over the last few weeks, and yes, it’s the thought that counts…but I still like to give people little quirky gifts and books. I am the book lady, and love finding books about things people are passionate about and surprising them with it.

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