Thursday, March 28, 2019

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is one of the world’s most prevalent methods of mind control, used by everyone from sales callers to politicians to media pundits, and it’s nasty to the core. Here’s ten ways to make sure nobody uses it on you….ever.
Neutro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a method for controlling people’s minds that was invented by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970s, became popular in the psychoanalytic, occult and New Age worlds in the 1980s, and advertising, marketing and politics in the 1990s and 2000s. It’s become so interwoven with how people are communicated to and marketed at that its use is largely invisible.
How exactly does NLP work?
NLP is taught in a pyramid structure, with the more advanced techniques reserved for multi-thousand dollar seminars. To oversimplify an overcomplicated subject, it more or less works like this: first the user,as NLP people often refer to themselves and I should note here that the large majority of NLP people, especially those who are primarily therapists, are likely well-meaning of NLP pays very close attention to the person they’re working with. By watching subtle cues like eye movement, skin flush, pupil dilation and nervous tics, a skilled NLP person can quickly determine :
a) What side of the brain a person is predominantly using;
b) What sense (sight,smell,etc) is most predominant in their brain;
c) How their brain stores and utilizes information
d) When they’re lying or making information up.
After this initial round of information gathering, the NLPer begins to slowly and subtly mimic the client, taking on not only their body language but also their speech mannerisms, and will begin speaking with language patterns designed to target the client’s primary sense.

Related image 
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Tuesday, March 19, 2019



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         Hello there! I'm back. Today I would like to share to you about the importance of self reflection. Do you know what is self reflection is about? Okay, now let's check it out!

It is so easy to get caught up in the day-to day aspects of life and forget to pause, self reflect, and look at the bigger picture. Slowing down and taking time to think about my life is extremely helpful in creating a better sense of who I am, who I want to be, and how I will get there.

Self-reflection is the process of bringing your attention to what’s happening in your life in a mindful and open-minded way. Self-reflection is all about creating self-awareness. So many of us focus on getting ahead that we don’t necessarily take time to reflect on what’s going on within us.
There are many ways to practice self-reflection, but I’ve always used writing as a way to process my thoughts and feelings. Journaling has helped me to learn more about myself by identifying patterns, habits, and regular themes that come up my life. If I never took the time to get my thoughts out of my head, I probably would not be the positive person that I am today.

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Method to practice self- reflection:
Ø  To make sense of things
Ø  To uncover breakthroughs
Ø  To challenge your thoughts
Ø  To recognize change + track progress
Ø  To increase self-awareness
Ø  To inspire self-acceptance
Ø  To live with more intention
Reasons it is beneficial to self-reflect:
§     Self reflection helps to build emotional self-awareness. By taking the time to ask yourself the important questions, you gain a better understanding of your emotions, strengths, weaknesses and driving factors. Once you understand important aspects of the self, you become better able to adapt to changing situations and tough circumstances. 
§       Integrity increases when you take time to reflect on core values. Having a clear understanding of what values you deem most important puts them at the forefront of your mind and strengthens your decisions. 
§       Our lives often become a cycle of doing/producing where we try to maximize productivity and minimize time spent. When we are always acting and moving from one thing to the next we sometimes forget to stop and think. Taking time to think allows for new ideas to emerge and counters the risk of becoming stagnant. New ideas and continuous change, not matter what your situation, is necessary.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Youngster and Softskill

   Soft skills plays an important role towards everyone. Example of soft skills are communication skills, higher order thinking skills, social skills, self control and positive self-concept. If all these skills applied to everybody, no wonder everybody will be a better person in future. This is because for those who has these skills, they will be easily handle in every situation that they might faces in the future in their life. 

1. Social skills
Social skills are a cluster of skills necessary to get along well with others, including respecting others and expressing appreciation, resolving conflict, and behaving according to social norms. Social skills predict all four types of workforce outcomes (employment, performance, income/wages, and entrepreneurial success), are sought by employers, and are seen as critically important by experts in the field. A study set in New Zealand found a positive relationship between sociability and establishing relationships at age 18, and occupational attainment and work stimulation at age 26. In Great Britain, a study found that social skills measured at age 10 predicted higher wages among entrepreneurs. Employers in Egypt, India, and Vietnam seek social skills when hiring new employees.

2. Communication skills

Communication skills include effective expression, transmission, understanding, and interpretation of knowledge and ideas. There is evidence that communication skills are related to three of the workforce outcomes studied for youth. They are the most frequently sought skill among employers, and they were strongly endorsed by stakeholders in this project. In Europe, 35 experts identified communication as the number one skill required in the workforce and recommended its inclusion in academic curricula. In India, non-verbal skills such as recognizing non-verbal cues and body language were identified as important by employers.

3. Higher-order thinking

Higher-order thinking enables young employees to solve workplace problems independently using available resources, prior knowledge, and experience. Higher-order thinking is very much sought by employers and is critical for all four workforce outcomes in all regions of the world. For example, problem solving was identified as a top skill in employer surveys in Pakistan, Macedonia, and Lebanon. Decision-making was highly ranked by employers in both India and Brazil.

4. Self-control

Self-control refers to a person’s ability to delay gratification, control impulses, and regulate behaviors. Employers look for self-discipline or employees who can manage their emotions. Self-control is highly supported by rigorous literature as related to all four workforce outcomes. For example, a child’s level of attentiveness at age eight was predictive of their employment in upper-level, white collar jobs at age 42 in Finland. It is also related to entrepreneurial success. In the West Bank, a survey of young entrepreneurs nominated “patience” as a key skill for success as an entrepreneur.

5. Positive self-concept

Positive self-concept was also found to be among the most important skills across all outcomes, and specifically for job performance and income outcomes among youth. Self-awareness, self-confidence, job search self-efficacy, and self-esteem are important for obtaining work in multiple countries worldwide.

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Thursday, March 7, 2019


Assalamualaikum and hello everyone! First of all, i would like to introduce myself. My full name is Malawanis Binti Mohd Noor Kamal but most people call me Wanis. I was born on 9 April 1998 and now I'm 21 years old. I live in Ipoh Perak with my family.  I'm currently continued my studies for my degree level at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UITM) Campus Sungai Petani, Kedah. 
I have five siblings including me which is three brothers and one sister. Ofcourse, i loved my siblings very much as we are too close. Eventhough they're already have their own family and got married, but our relationship as siblings too strong....hehe 
Besides,  I also love to listening an english song and korean song (K-Pop) because it's make me enjoy and interested to hear it, plus it feel like to dance hahaha but never mind, I love being myself. On the other hand, I love sports like badminton, basketball and chess. I like to try new things except if it too dangerous, then I won't try it hehe. Jungle tracking is one of my new experience and I'm really enjoy it. Outdoor activities makes me feel pretty awesome. 
           Personality is what makes us unique and special. Our character determines who we are and how different we are from others. It is possible to find people who have similar appearances, but we will never find identical personalities. I am going to prove this by taking the example of my character. My goals, my achievement, my favourite activities are exciting and differ from the ones any other person has in this world.

            Positive attitude to everything that happens is my value number one. My family taught me that no matter what happens it is significant to preserve a sincere smile on our faces. Even if something bad occurs, my parents told me find something positive. As long as we are alive, there should be something good in the surrounding world. This philosophy helps me to be happy and satisfied with everything that I get.
My ambition is to be a rich and success business woman in the future. So I need to study hard and be more mature. I also hope that my life will be success and be better and better person.  Finally, I hope all my dreams will come true and I will be very happy and grateful if I succeed in my studies and in my life.



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