Tuesday, March 19, 2019



Image result for self reflection pictures 
         Hello there! I'm back. Today I would like to share to you about the importance of self reflection. Do you know what is self reflection is about? Okay, now let's check it out!

It is so easy to get caught up in the day-to day aspects of life and forget to pause, self reflect, and look at the bigger picture. Slowing down and taking time to think about my life is extremely helpful in creating a better sense of who I am, who I want to be, and how I will get there.

Self-reflection is the process of bringing your attention to what’s happening in your life in a mindful and open-minded way. Self-reflection is all about creating self-awareness. So many of us focus on getting ahead that we don’t necessarily take time to reflect on what’s going on within us.
There are many ways to practice self-reflection, but I’ve always used writing as a way to process my thoughts and feelings. Journaling has helped me to learn more about myself by identifying patterns, habits, and regular themes that come up my life. If I never took the time to get my thoughts out of my head, I probably would not be the positive person that I am today.

Image result for self reflection pictures
Method to practice self- reflection:
Ø  To make sense of things
Ø  To uncover breakthroughs
Ø  To challenge your thoughts
Ø  To recognize change + track progress
Ø  To increase self-awareness
Ø  To inspire self-acceptance
Ø  To live with more intention
Reasons it is beneficial to self-reflect:
§     Self reflection helps to build emotional self-awareness. By taking the time to ask yourself the important questions, you gain a better understanding of your emotions, strengths, weaknesses and driving factors. Once you understand important aspects of the self, you become better able to adapt to changing situations and tough circumstances. 
§       Integrity increases when you take time to reflect on core values. Having a clear understanding of what values you deem most important puts them at the forefront of your mind and strengthens your decisions. 
§       Our lives often become a cycle of doing/producing where we try to maximize productivity and minimize time spent. When we are always acting and moving from one thing to the next we sometimes forget to stop and think. Taking time to think allows for new ideas to emerge and counters the risk of becoming stagnant. New ideas and continuous change, not matter what your situation, is necessary.

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